For Companies

We help you gain a competitive advantage

Get to know more about the leadership solutions for companies.

Interim manager

Get in touch with us

It is not always wise for companies to hire a full-time manager, but rather to consider an interim manager. An interim manager may be a suitable solution when you need a professional to achieve a specific goal or carry out activities for a certain period of time. Change management, various development projects, restructuring and entering new markets are just a few examples of situations where it is worth using the option of an interim manager. We will connect you with managers who were effective in similar roles and can help you successfully reach the next level with your company.


Candidate assessment

Let´s start the process

We help you make the final selection from pre-selected candidates when you are recruiting a new hire or considering promoting someone internally.

We analyze the selected candidates so that you receive as much objective and pertinent information as needed to make the correct decision. The involvement of a professional assessment consultant leaves a good impression on the candidates. We inform the relevant parties about the assessment criteria, procedure and results of the assessment. We also provide career advice if needed. Our assessment solutions will increase your confidence!

Leadership development

Let´s start the journey

We help leaders grow and become better. Adera’s development tools provide insight into a leader’s strengths and potential development areas, which helps to raise self-awareness. During the process, development recommendations and follow-up activities are created and implemented and are later monitored and evaluated by the participants. When assessing leaders, we use professional personality, aptitude and competency assessment tools that provide detailed insight into the strengths, risks and development areas.

Get smarter with Adera

Define your objectives

One of the most important tasks of leaders is to build and manage dedicated teams.

We want to share the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over the years while working with companies. We want managers to be even more successful recruiters and team leaders. We train in topics in which we ourselves are strong. We have conducted trainings, seminars and workshops for companies and training groups of various sizes.

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