Hogan Assessment Systems in leadership development and selection
Read more about the benefits of Hogan assessments.
What is Hogan personality assessment?
Hogan Assessment Systems is the world’s leading provider and developer of occupational personality assessment tools, which are currently used in more than 180 countries. Hogan’s clients are small companies as well as large corporations that are part of Fortune500, which need high-quality personality assessment tools with good psychometric indicators to use in both personnel selection and development.
Hogan’s test reports describe a person first and foremost through how others are likely to perceive him/her (reputation). As the results of the test taker are mainly described through professional competencies, the tests help to predict the performance of the work. Hogan’s tools are strongly oriented towards self-development.
Hogan assessment tools will help you to:
- understand your personality strengths and risks and increase self-awareness
- map your leadership potential and areas of development
- improve the quality of personnel selection
- make recruitment process more professional and transparent
- find sources of motivation for your team members
- discover your derailers that prevent you from achieving goals at work and in life
Three dimensions of personality
Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
Measures occupational personality in seven major scales and describes the so called bright side of the personality that occurs mostly under normal circumstances. HPI predicts work performance.
Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
Measures a person’s unproductive personality traits (derailers), which are manifested primarily in stressful situations and can have a negative impact on his or her career, team management ability, and relationships. HDS maps the risks that can lead to job failure.
Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)
Maps the main sources of motivation, values and preferences of a person. MVPI helps to assess an employee’s suitability for the organization, team and provide input for better management of his or her motivation.
Hogan assessments FAQ

Alo Naelapea is Hogan Assessment Systems certified consultant since 2009.